
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Comparte mesa con patrocinio Club A

Haz nuevas amistades y relaciones con personas interesadas en compartir, intercambiar y colaborar...y... al tiempo que te diviertes compartiendo Mesa Club A

 Acude cada semana a compartir mesa para comer o beber con lo que contribuyes a patrocinar los locales que te proponemos y así con la fuerza del grupo se podrá pedirles ofertas especiales o mejor un Menú Club A.

Jueves a las 14 horas
Can Xavi - S'Arraval, 1 - Maó
Menú diario 10€ - Plato del día 5,95€

Viernes 21 horas
Café del Foro - Carrer Santiago Ramón i Cajal - Mao
Plato de la casa a combinar como quieras + patatas + ensalada 7.50€

Ver como funcionan los encuentros temáticos e imprime la hoja del Club A para identificarte y mostrar a los negocios que anunciamos y a los participantes interesados en compartir e intercambiar Usa el formulario de esta página para mandarnos tus comentarios y recomendar ofertas y especialidades de locales

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Olvídate de la depilación

Do Hair Removal Products Actually Work?

With all the information available today about every single topic you could possibly want to know about, how can you be sure what information you read is actually true? How can you be assured that the next hair removal product you read about is really going to be last one that you have to read about – that it is really going to be the one that finally works for you. Wouldn’t it be great to know you are purchasing your final product that you will ever have to use to have a hair-free body?
Well look no more. Today is finally that day. The teams of researchers and doctors now have perfected Ultra Hair Away™ and have taken all the guess work away from you. This hair inhibitor product is quite unique and will eliminate the need to ever use any other hair removal product again. Soon you will be able to do away for those boxes of home wax that never worked properly anyway. Soon you will be able to do away with those bottles and jars of smelly depilatory creams that were smelly and expensive. Soon you will be able to do away with those packages of plastic razors that take up too much space in your medicine cabinet.
This unique product really does work but you don’t even have to just take our word for it. Clinical trials have indicated that hair becomes thinner and finer over weeks of application, until the hair growth is inhibited completely! The amazing formula has been diligently researched and has been proven effective. The natural ingredients mean that this product is aroma free, acts as a moisturizer, is non alcoholic, non-staining, easy to apply, and you can use it on targeted areas. It is 100% organic and is also fully guaranteed. If you are not fully satisfied with the results, then simply return your purchase for a full refund. But know ahead of time that this guarantee will not have to be taken advantage of because you will definitely see the results you want, when you want.
The Ultra Hair Away product will be the last hair removal product that you will have to use. Just imagine silky smooth skin. Just imagine what your summer is going to be like knowing that you don’t have to worry constantly about excess hair and stubble. It is a sense of relief knowing that the worry will be over and you can look forward to beach time again. Whether you want to remove hair from your legs, arms, shoulders, back, or face, the Ultra Hair Away will just what you need to use. So don’t hesitate any longer. Feel confident that the product that you are about to purchase will work and you will see results. It’s easy, simple, convenient, and something that you will certainly want to share with your friends. This kind of amazing secret product should not be kept secret any longer. So go ahead and buy this amazing product today – you won’t regret it!
For more information, go to ShaveNoMore.com

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Es temps de Brou

Receta y próximas jornadas del Brou Bullit Menorquí

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Colabora con locales montando mini eventos

Diviértete y gana dinero y/o consumiciones asesorando a locales a montar eventos.

Un evento no tiene por que ser una gran reunión, simplemente se puede tratar de promocionar un producto o plato de la casa haciendo de ello algo especial.

Un bar puede dedicar cada día de la semana a algo determinado y ofrecer así a la concurrencia un motivo para acudir.
En esta página damos una explicación más amplia e ideas para montar eventos en bares, cafeterías y restaurantes.
Tienda de comida America en linea - Entrega en Espana

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Pasa a la acción con Degusta+

En el blog Degusta+ se van poniendo ideas de cocina de y marketing para bares y cafeterías.
Toma la iniciativa y házselas llegar a los locales de los que eres cliente. Conviértete en su asesor y estudia con ellos como pueden aplicarlas.
Puede ganar dinero convirtiéndote en socio de marketing de los negocios simplemente con pasarles las ideas que se van publicando.
Otra opción es crear un peña y conjuntamente trabajar con locales ofreciendo distintas actividades.
En esta página tiens las técnicas y diferentes ideas para formar una peña.

Puedes empezar con estas ideas:
Ensaladas de Arroz
Ensaladas de pasta
Tortilla con patatas chips

En Degusta`m se pueden se pueden comprar platos preparados de calidad que pueden servir de base a las ideas que damos sobre cocinar con latas. La cocina que no necesita cocinero.

Una Peña te permite divertirte, ganar y dar rienda suelta a tus habilidades. Si te interesa contactar con interesados en formar una peña...

Acude este viernes día 7 a las 20 horas a

Bar Royal - Carrer del Carme, 131
y participa de los Encuentros diarios temáticos del Club A